We totally get the risk you take. Whether you’re a small artisan contractor or a large general contractor we’re here to guarantee your protection. Our specialists will evaluate your individual needs and provide the security you deserve.
Builder’s risk
Building a new structure isn’t easy; so many things can go wrong. Cover your buildings and properties while they’re under construction and rest assured that we’ll design the coverage to provide the unique protection you deserve.
Why builder’s risk insurance?
Covers new ground up projects, remodeling, and additions and alterations to an existing structure.
Covers property losses due to fire, lightning, hail, explosions, hurricanes, theft, vandalism and more
Protects materials, supplies and equipment that are onsite, in transit and temporarily at other locations.
Includes lost sales or rental income, additional interest on loans, real estate taxes, and other expenses that can add up when construction is delayed.
If the project is being financed, the lender may require coverage and will also be a named insured under the policy.